Let Us Keep Your Dryer Operating Safely & Efficiently

Schedule Your Cleaning or Repair Today!



We’ve all heard the saying, “Out of sight out of mind.” That’s especially true when it comes to a potential fire hazard that exists in every home: your dryer’s exhaust vent and ductwork. When we toss our clothes into the dryer and start a cycle, most of us never think that this simple act poses such a serious risk. Yet the buildup of lint and particles in the dryer’s exhaust ductwork is a very real fire hazard. Often times our customers have had a lint fire in their dryer and have not even known it. 

Fortunately Vent Safe technicians are experts at dryer exhaust duct inspections, exhaust duct cleaning as well as repair and replacement to keep your dryer running safely and efficiently. 

Keeping your dryer’s vent maintained properly and clean reduces energy cost, maximizes efficiency and extends the life of your dryer but more importantly keeps it operating safely. For example, this vital service is equally as important as having your chimney cleaned. We all know it’s not safe to use a fire place with a chimney lined with soot nor is it safe to operate a dryer with a vent lined with lint. Simply put, it’s a fire hazard!

If you own a gas dryer you can also be at risk of dangerous carbon monoxide levels as well.

If it’s been a year or more since you’ve had your ducts inspected or cleaned we don’t want you to put it off any longer! Call VENT SAFE today to schedule an appointment!

Serving Central Massachusetts and Beyond!

Let Us Inspect Your Dryer Vent For Safe Operation and Local Code Compliance

Schedule Your Cleaning or Repair Today!



Email us at ventsafema@gmail.com or

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